Title: Fairfield Sculptor: Mark Austin Byrd This sculpture is a early study for our proposed USMC Vietnam Helicopter Flight Crew Memorial. Upon stepping out of the helicopter to help carry in the wounded men, copilot Captain Rupert "Skeets" Fairfield saw two enemy soldiers with automatic rifles about 15 feet away from the tail boom. He quickly pulled the door machine gun from its mount and killed them with a burst of fire. This was just one moment a ten minutes battle in which Fairfield and his crewmates became the highest decorated flight crew in the history of U.S. Naval aviation for a single mission. His pilot, Stephen Pless, earned the Medal of Honor, and Fairfield and the other two crew members earned the Navy Cross, American's second highest decoration for valor in combat. Read more by visiting the Pless Memorial page of the Valor Remembered website www.valorremembered.org. |