Master Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez Memorial A project of Valor Remembered Foundation with Mark Austin Byrd, Sculptors. A major project of our studio in recent years has been the development of the Roy Benavidez Memorial project and the creation of The Benavidez Collection of sculptures. Roy Benavidez was a recipient of the Medal of Honor, the United States highest award for valor in combat, and also of the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor, an award that has only been given to two other men in the history of Texas. We are currently negotiating with city officials and community leaders in San Antonio for a suitable site for the memorial in downtown San Antonio, Texas. We have come to know Roy Benavidez, through his writings and through his many friends and supporters. The following statement by H. Ross Perot about Roy Benavidez sums up why we seek to honor Roy Benavidez: "The life story of Vietnam War hero Roy Benavidez is that of a man of pride and dignity who conquered enormous challenges. Hispanic, part-Yaqui Indian, and an orphan, Benavidez fought his way out of poverty and bigotry to serve with distinction with the U.S. Army's elite - the Airborne and the Special Forces. Seriously wounded in Vietnam, he was told he would never walk again. Benavidez not only conquered his disability but also demanded to return to combat." "It was on his second Vietnam tour that Roy Benavidez became a Special Forces legend. When twelve of his comrades on a secret CIA mission in Cambodia were surrounded by hundreds of North Vietnamese regulars, Benavidez volunteered without hesitation to rescue them. Despite severe injuries suffered in furious hand-to-hand combat, Benavidez personally saved the lives of eight men. He was awarded the Medal of Honor, ensuring his everlasting place as one of the great heroes of the war"........H. Ross Perot, from the book Medal of Honor by Roy P. Benavidez.
THE BENAVIDEZ COLLECTION | ![](images/RPB/LittleBroClayFront600.jpg) | About the Benavidez Collection. The Benavidez Collection is a group of sculptures created initially as studies for the Benavidez Memorial. Many of these studies exist only in clay form, many no longer exist except as photographs, but six different studies have been completed as limited edition sculptures and are available to institutions and not for profit organizations at a discounted rate and to private collectors. Funding the memorial. Twenty percent of our sale price to private collectors of sculptures in the Benavidez Collection is donated to Valor Remembered Foundation's Roy Benavidez Memorial fund. Little Brother - The sculpure to the left is a one half life sized clay sculpture of Roy Benavidez with a small boy, saluting the flag - a role model for American youth. This sculpture is the maquette for the proposed Benavidez Memorial Sculpture. A casting of this maquette in white synthetic resin was unveiled at our exhibition of the Benavidez Collection in the north wing extension of the Texas State Capitol on May 16, 2005. View the BENAVIDEZ COLLECTION Back to Other Studio Works In Progress | | ![](Moh_600_small.jpg) ![](little_brother_bondedLQH768hi_small.jpg) ![](benavidez__small.jpg) ![](Roy&M_BzFrLQ_600_small.jpg) ![](MSgtRPBFaceRP600_small.jpg) ![](six_hours_in_hell_Faceclose_small.jpg) ![](images/RPB/MsgtRPBRQ.jpg)
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