| The Medal of Honor Portraits in Bronze series is a collection of sculptures depicting Americans Medal of Honor recipients. The first in the series was a miniature bust of Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez created for the Christening of the USNS Benavidez. It is our goal to create sculptures in the same format of every living Medal of Honor recipient as well as selected MOH's from the past. The collection now includes the following MOH recipients:: Roy Benaviedez, USA, MOH Stephen Pless, USMC, MOH Richard Rocco, USA, MOH Jose Lopez, USA, MOH Joseph Rodriguez, USA, MOH Lance Sijan, USAF, MOH MIchael Clausen, USMC, MOH Robert Howard, USA, MOH The sculptures are cast in two versions, the first is traditional hot cast bronze, and the second version is bonded bronze. On the back of the base of each statue is a plaque with a brief summary of the act of valor for which the Medal of Honor was awarded and other information about the life of the recipient. |